I have planned to use up docx4j
library for my JAVA application for docx
to PDF
But, since the version v3.3.0
of DOCX4j
the PDF output is by default via Plutext's
commercial PDF Converter, will i be restricted to the number of documents i can have converted? or will there be any other similar limitations?
From https://www.docx4java.org/forums/pdf-output-f27/higher-fidelity-pdf-output-now-available-t2117.html
In docx4j 3.3.0 and later, this is the default way of creating a PDF. The default configuration is to use https://converter-eval.plutext.com:443 for conversion. See the link below for how to change that to your local install.
A side benefit is that this new approach is much faster than the FO approach.
We're offering this as a commercial component, so we can continue to invest in it. The existing FO approach will of course remain free and open source. (To use that instead, just add the export-FO jar and its dependencies to your classpath. See further https://github.com/plutext/docx4j-export-fo )
You can install your own copy (and really should please if you want to use it; the default instance is solely so you can easily check the fidelity and we are likely to rate limit the eval instance in the near future).
To use your own instance, see https://converter-eval.plutext.com/client_java.html which says:
To use your own instance, tell docx4j where it is.
You can do that via docx4j property "com.plutext.converter.URL".
You should set that in docx4j.properties; a sample properties file can be found on GitHub
Add docx4j.properties to your classpath, if you didn't have it already.
Or alternatively, you could set the property programmatically:
Docx4jProperties.setProperty( "com.plutext.converter.URL", "https://converter-eval.plutext.com:443/v1/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/convert");
Your instance will show an eval watermark until you apply a license key (which you'll need to pay for to get). As per above, if you want free docx to PDF, you could try the export-FO approach.