It's quite easy to pass safe-args
when using navigation through an action (with directions class).
But how to pass safe-args
in case of using navigation to fragment directly?
android:label=" "
tools:layout="@layout/detail_fragment" >
app:argType="string" />
app:destination="@id/fillInfoFragment" />
It's a good idea to use type-safe way because it take you compile time safety and some convenience.
This library will build argument's class MyDestinationArgs
. You can use it to build Bundle
and pass result to destination this way:
val args = DetailFragmentArgs.Builder("template_code").build().toBundle()
navController?.navigate(, args)
On receiver side, you can retrieve data also using arguments class:
val templateCode = SecondFragmentArgs.fromBundle(arguments).templateCode
we can pass data also inside Bundle
. Suppose you have added
const val ARG_TEMPLATE_CODE = "templateCode"
constant in companion object
of DetailFragment
(static final
field in Java)
Now you can pass data this way:
val args = Bundle()
args.putString(DetailFragment.ARG_TEMPLATE_CODE, "some_code")
navController?.navigate(, args)
And receiver fragment can obtain data from arguments:
Or, if target destination is Activity
, you can get data from intent extras
constant now from destination activity):