First off, I am really sorry about the vague title. I am pretty knew to stack overflow and I have no idea how to phrase this question. What I want is on a key press (say the up arrow) I want to move a picture box across the windows form until it collides with a separate picture box. Here's my code so far.
Private Async Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.Left
Me.pBox1.Left -= 20
Case Keys.Up
Me.pBox1.Top -= 20
Case Keys.Right
Me.pBox1.Left += 20
Case Keys.Down
Me.pBox1.Top += 20
End Select
That's not all the code, just the important part. Basically, on a key press, the picture box moves across the form. But, I have to continually hold down the key to keep it moving. What I want is to press a key, and have the picture box to move across the screen until it hits another picture box.
P.S. I already have the collision code. (pBox1.Bounds.IntersectsWith(pBox2.Bounds)) Please keep in mind that I am pretty knew to visual basic and stack overflow.
you can create a subroutine which contains the moving of the picturebox as well as detection logic. call it from inside Form1_keyDown(). Key things to remember:
exit the loop either when hitting picturebox2, or wait a certain timespan (this is important)
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.Left
MovePictureBox(pbox1, pbox2, 20, KeyMovingDirection.Left)
Public Enum KeyMovingDirection
End Enum
Private inTheMiddleOfMoving As Boolean = False
Public Sub MovePictureBox(pbox1 As PictureBox, pbox2 As PictureBox, stepA
As Integer, direction As KeyMovingDirection)
If inTheMiddleOfMoving Then Exit Sub
Dim collided As Boolean = False
Dim t As New Stopwatch
Select Case direction
Case KeyMovingDirection.Left
pbox1.Left -= stepA
Case KeyMovingDirection.Right
pbox1.Left += stepA
Case KeyMovingDirection.Top
pbox1.Top -= stepA
Case KeyMovingDirection.Bottom
pbox1.Top += stepA
End Select
inTheMiddleOfMoving = True
If pbox1.Bounds.IntersectsWith(pbox2.Bounds) OrElse t.ElapsedMilliseconds > 5000 Then
collided = True
End If
Loop Until collided
inTheMiddleOfMoving = False
End Sub