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Shapes in the Mandelbrot Set

Are the intriguing and lovely Mandelbrot Set hoops and curls the result of floating point computation inaccuracy?

I have written various Mandelbrot Set implementations, such as a dynamic zoom and playback. Some use fixed point arithmetic, others use the FPU.

I have seen this question which suggests that every bud is a mathematically smooth shape, with smaller buds around.

Are the parades of sea-horse shapes and so on, a side effect of the limitations of computer floating point arithmetic, and not the actual Mandelbrot Set?

Sea horse? added by Spektre:

Sea horse?

Edit: following the bounty offered.

What I have been trying to say, is that floating point arithmetic, whether fixed point or fixed significance, cannot hold the true result of the iteration steps. The interesting part of the Mandelbrot set is near the boundary, and in this region the iteration coordinates can dither for thousands of iterations in cyclic near-repetitions before eventually "escaping".

My question is: does the arithmetic fail in such a fashion as to cause the patterns? As far as I have been able to understand, the perfect Mandelbrot set is actually smoothly shaped buds arranged around other buds, ad infinitum. Commenters have said that the better the arithmetic, the better the famous seahorse etc. shapes are, and that can be seen when a poor implementation produces a blurry image. But it only strengthens my question: the more precise the arithmetic, the more precisely and regularly the arithmetic fails until, as the coordinates change, there is a discontinuity and it progresses to failure in a slightly different way.

Anyway, here is a C function which iterates one point using the x87 FPU. The code isn't recent, and there is scope to improve it by taking advantage of the difference between squares, which is still on my ancient "to-do" list.

int MAXRAD = 4;
int K_LIMIT = 5000;
double REAL8, IMAG8;

int iterate (void)
// calculate Mandelbrot iterations of REAL8, IMAG8
// return iterations
int iters;

    __asm {

        FILD    DWORD PTR MAXRAD       ;MAX R^2
        FLD     QWORD PTR IMAG8        ;INIT Y VALUE
        FLD     QWORD PTR REAL8        ;INIT X VALUE

        FLD     ST(1)     ;WORKING Y = IMAG
        FLD     ST(1)     ;WORKING X = REAL

        MOV     BX,0100h  ;MASK FOR C0 FLAG

        ALIGN 4
    MLOOPB:               ;ITERATE      ST0  ST1  ST2  ST3  ST4  ST5  ST6  ST7
                          ;             X    Y    REAL IMAG 4.0
        FLD     ST(0)     ;PUSH X       X    X    Y    REAL IMAG 4.0
        FMUL    ST(1),ST  ;X * X        X    X^2  Y    REAL IMAG 4.0
        FMUL    ST,ST(2)  ;X * Y        XY   X^2  Y    REAL IMAG 4.0
        FADD    ST,ST(0)  ;2 * XY       2XY  X^2  Y    REAL IMAG 4.0
        FADD    ST,ST(4)  ;2XY+IMAG     Y'   X^2  Y    REAL IMAG 4.0
        FXCH    ST(2)     ;Y', Y        Y    X^2  Y'   REAL IMAG 4.0
        FMUL    ST,ST(0)  ;Y * Y        Y^2  X^2  Y'   REAL IMAG 4.0
        FLD     ST(0)     ;PUSH Y^2     Y^2  Y^2  X^2  Y'   REAL IMAG 4.0
        FADD    ST,ST(2)  ;Y^2 + X^2    R^2  Y^2  X^2  Y'   REAL IMAG 4.0
        FCOMP   ST(6)     ;TEST & POP   Y^2  X^2  Y'   REAL IMAG 4.0
        FNSTSW  AX        ;STATUS
        FSUB              ;X^2 - Y^2    ...  Y'   REAL IMAG 4.0
        FADD    ST,ST(2)  ;X'            X'  Y'   REAL IMAG 4.0
        TEST    AX,BX     ;CHECK C0
        LOOPNZ  MLOOPB    ;LOOP IF (ITERS > 0) and (RADIUS^2 < 4)


        MOV     DWORD PTR iters,EAX

    return iters;

Note that there are no memory load/store operations within the iteration loop.

I also asked the question on StackExchange Mathematics here.


  • The curlicues and seahorse shapes and buds and all the other amazing things you see in the Mandelbrot Set are for real, and are not a result of computation rounding. In fact, the more significant figures in your computations - the less rounding errors - the more intricate the calculated shapes become. Personal warning: coding of the Mandelbrot Set can become addictive!