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Vue with Vuex: is it possible to inject/eject components within the store?

I've been reading a lot of articles and the docs (some great resources I found for ex: ), all of that to understand how vuex works ( when/why should I use actions and not mutations, etc), I got it, so my example is the following:

  • I'm using router, with one route now, which uses component Home
  • My Home component looks like this (nothing special):

    <template> <div class="home"> <!-- Components to inject goes here --> </div> </template>

    <script> export default { name: 'home' } </script>

  • I have a backend, to which I have to make some API calls, that together with user actions, have to control which components to inject/eject into the UI

  • That said, I don't want them already declared to show/hide, I want to control whether they are inside that div or not, depending on actions in my Vuex store.

  • Why? Because I want to be able to track them as I track mutations done by actions with Vue DevTools, this would allow me to have complete control of my app, ex:

    • MUTATION2...

Please, correct me if I need to clarify myself, is there a way to accomplish it? (any link, source is highly appreciated)


  • Without more information it's difficult to fully understand your intentions. However, I guess you will find 'Dynamic Components' useful:

    This will allow you to render components dynamically depending on the state.

    If you want to change the whole page or big parts of it, then you probably need vue-router and a <router-view>