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Azure AD - .Net Core 2 - How can I use two different Client IDs?

So, we have a web API that is working great with Azure AD and bearer token authentication.

In my ConfigureServices I have this:

services.AddAuthentication(sharedOptions =>
    sharedOptions.DefaultScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
.AddJwtBearer(options =>
    options.Audience = Configuration["Azure:AD:ClientId"];
    options.Authority = $"{Configuration["Azure:AD:Instance"]}{Configuration["Azure:AD:TenantId"]}";

We have the Client ID setup to be a Web API app in Azure AD.

Now we are making a native application and we need to also have a native app client ID in Azure AD. My API is looking for the Web API client... how do I also allow a bearer token that was created with the native app?


  • Ok! So... we got this working.

    For posterity here is what we ended up doing.

    We found this fine link:

    In step 2 of this, it tells you to change the Web API URI - We ended up not needing to do this...

    What was critical thought was to add the permission from the Native app to the Web API (the second set of steps in #2). Basically, as I understand this, it allows the native app and web api app to work together and share a client id when it come to an authentication perspective.

    We also found that editing the manifest on the Native app and make "oauth2AllowImplicitFlow" = true was also important.

    Hope this helps someone.