I used this guide to install a new package on PyPi.
Now, I want to update the package. Since I found no guide for this, I tried to do it myself: I updated the version from "1.0.0.dev1" to "1.0.0.dev2" and re-installed. It did not work: I got:
Uploading tee_table-1.0.0.dev1-py3-none-any.whl
HTTPError: 400 Client Error: File already exists. See https://pypi.org/help/#file-name-reuse for url: https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/
I also read this question but the information seems outdated (from 2012).
Is there a simple user guide that describes how to upload a new version of a package to PyPi?
I found out what my problem was - I did not delete the old files in the dist folder, so the uploader tried to upload them before the new files, and failed. The solution was to:
Delete all files in the dist
Update the version number in the setup.py
Re-create the wheels:
python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
Re-upload the new files:
twine upload dist/*