I'm trying to set the colors of a v-chip
by using a method, passing an argument and trying to use dot notation to return a color string:
<v-chip :color="stateColor(bug.workflow_state)" text-color="white">{{ bug.workflow_state }}</v-chip>
The right value is being passed to the method. My argument: color
object looks like this...
stateColors: {
open: 'green',
accepted: 'yellow',
in_progress: 'orange'
...set in the data function. I want to be able to just return a la:
stateColor (bugState) {
return this.stateColors.bugState
but the this.stateColors.bugState
is undefined. The workflow_states being passed in will all match the keys, with no exceptions. This seems like it'd be more appropriate as a computed property, but I was also having issues with the dot notation returning the expected result. My attempt was like so:
stateColor: function () {
return function (bugState) {
return this.stateColors.bugState
In both attempts, this.stateColors.open
does return green, but this.stateColors.bugState
where bugState is actually 'open' returns undefined. typeof(bugState)
is definitely a string. Just looking for a clean way to achieve this without a slew of if checks, which I know would work.
You are just asking for the bugState
property, which probably doesn't exist.
Instead, ask for the key matching your bugState
return this.stateColors[bugState]