I'm currently building a game, when I tried uploading it to AirConsole the game gives me a error in the preview.
Has anyone had this problem before?
"Uncaught ReferenceError: AirConsoleViewManager is not defined".
var airconsole = new AirConsole({ "orientation": "landscape", "device_motion": 10 });
var vm = null;
window.onload = start;
airconsole.onReady = function () {
vm = new AirConsoleViewManager(airconsole);
ReferenceError: AirConsoleViewManager is not defined
at AirConsole.airconsole.onReady (https://storage.googleapis.com/XXX.xxxxxxx.xxxx.cdn.airconsole.com/2018-05-24-16-33-25/controller.html:125:22)
at AirConsole.onPostMessage_ (https://www.airconsole.com/api/airconsole-latest.js:1053:8)
at https://www.airconsole.com/api/airconsole-latest.js:969:8
Thank you very much :)
I do not know what the problem was, but after cleaning the build and transfering code over to another project, then uploading again it worked!