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Gulp, Moustache. How to concat data with src attribute?

I'm using the gulp-html-i18n gulp plugin for handling the translations task in a static website.

In order to display the translated content, I should use the Moustache lib as gulp-html-i18n mentioned in his doc.

I'm facing difficulties in the concatenation operations. For example, if I need to assign a conditional class for a html element, I will use the following flow:

${{! if}}$
<body class="en">
${{! else}}$
<body class="sp">

In the code above, I'm checking if the language is English, for example, then the class is assigned based on the isEnglish value.

By this approach, we will face a big problem if I need to add new language also it's long and not comprehensive.

Moreover, let suppose I have an array of objects in the following interface:

 "title": "foo",
 "description": "bar",
 "icon": "iconname"

What if I need to concat the icon name with the scr attribute path while looping through the array above?

<div class="content">
    <img src="path/${{}}$.png" alt=""> ---> Not working with Moustache

So how can I solve the problems above? and what is the best practices for the Moustache.js concatenations?


  • Sloved!

    Solved by using scripts of type text/template.

    We can't do the concatition operator directly inside a html attribute, We should write it inside a script of type text/template. like the following example:

    <script type="text/template" id="header">
            <a href="./${{fileName}}$"></a>

    Then render the script content and assign it to specific html element using the following javascript code:

    var headerTemplate = $('#header').html();
    var headerHtml = Mustache.to_html(headerTemplate);

    Note: The dollar signs are used based on gulp plugin for localization task gulp-html-i18n in order to link the json file to mustache.

    If I'm not using the mentioned plugin I must update my code to become:

    var headerTemplate = $('#header').html();
    var headerHtml = Mustache.to_html(headerTemplate,'path to data');

    One of the most helpful link here.