The only relevant thing I have is the "toggle" event, but nothing related to just add a class when I trigger an event in AMP.
I have a form to submit, and I want to add a class to a father element to change the color of the background so that I can show a different "look" for the success than the form.
How to do that?
<amp-state id="className">
<script type="application/json">
"changeClass": ""
[class]="className.changeClass == 'newClass' ? 'afterclick' : 'beforeclick'
">Hello World
<button on="tap:AMP.setState({className:{changeClass: 'newClass'})">Click</button>
When u click to the button it will look for the changeClass varibale to ClassName state and assign the newClass value to it . And that value will assign to dynamic [class] and change the class value to new value. it is pretty simple.