From the thread context of a slot in my QT GUI application (upon button push), I am trying to launch a worker thread to update other another part of the GUI with the results of a CPU intensive calculation - these results will update a table or a google like map widget - so this needs to occur in the main QT application thread where it is safe to update these widgets.
The problem I have is that the updateGUIWidget
slot never gets called unless I change the connection type to Qt::DirectConnection
- in which case it gets called in the worker thread (where it is unsafe to update the GUI). I checked the results of each of the connect calls and they are fine, it seems that there is some issue with the event loop somewhere. I'm not sure if I need to allocate the thread and the worker objects as members of the mainwindow or if its OK to do so from stack variables in the slot.
// experimental worker thread model adapted from YouTube tutorial
// by Giuseppe di Angelo
// auto thread = new QThread;
// note worker created in gui thread here - we will move its thread
// affinity to 'thread' below before starting it.
auto thread = new QThread;
auto worker = new Worker;
connect(thread, &QThread::started, worker, &Worker::doWork);
// connect(worker, &Worker::progressUpdate, this, &mainwindow::updateGUIWidget, Qt::DirectConnection);
connect(worker, &Worker::progressUpdate, this, &mainwindow::updateGUIWidget, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(worker, &Worker::workDone, thread, &QThread::quit);
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, worker, &Worker::deleteLater);
// move worker to separate thread
The mainwindow has a slots declared in mainwindow.h as follows:
class mainwindow : public QMainWindow
explicit mainwindow(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR);
public slots:
void on_importSimulatedFlight_clicked();
void updateGUIWidget(const param& rParam);
and implemented in mainwindow.cpp as follows:
mainwindow::updateGUIWidget(const param& rParam)
... update widget components with rParam partial result here
and my worker is as follows:
class Worker : public QObject
public slots:
void doWork() {
const QString result;
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
const MMRTimedRecord foo;
// QThread::sleep(1);
emit progressUpdate(foo);
emit workDone(result);
void progressUpdate(const MMRTimedRecord&);
void workDone(const QString &result);
The reason it isn't working is because there's a serious flaw in your code: you are trying to emit a reference to a local variable to be handled in an slot on a different thread. That is a recipe for disaster.
When you are using Qt::QueuedConnection
, you MUST emit by value, like this:
void progressUpdate(MMRTimedRecord val);
That means that your MMRTimedRecord must be copyable, and correspondingly, your slot must also accept by value. And why is there a mismatch between the signal progressUpdate(const MMRTimedRecord&)
and the slot updateGUIWidget(const param& rParam);