I am trying to send post requests to a webservice that is in weblogic. I am using soapui to make the requests, this tool structures me the object that I have to send to XML format, but when I send the request it gives me the error: org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: The target server failed to respond.
Any ideas ? The webservice I did, it is not that I am consulting any external.
JDNI connection:
if ( conn == null ){
Context ctx = null;
ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc_oracle_ws");
conn = ds.getConnection();
}catch(Exception ex){}
Code webservice method
@WebService(serviceName = "ConsultarRecibosPendientes", targetNamespace = "http://websercice.fi.co/")
public class ConsultarRecibosPendientes extends Base {
@WebMethod(operationName = "ConsultarRecibosPendientes")
@WebResult(name = "ConsultarRecibosPendientesResult")
public ConsultarRecibosPendientesRes ConsultarRecibosPendientes(@WebParam(
name = "ConsultarRecibosPendientesReq") ConsultarRecibosPendientesReq objeto) {
ConsultarRecibosPendientesRes recibosRes = new ConsultarRecibosPendientesRes();
cliente_servicio = ConsultarInformacionClienteServicio( objeto.nCodBanco,
recibosRes.nCodRespuesta = cliente_servicio.codigoRespuesta;
recibosRes.nTipoIdentificacion = cliente_servicio.tipoIdentificacion;
recibosRes.strIdentificacion = cliente_servicio.identificacionCliente.replace("-", "").trim();
recibosRes.strNombreCliente = cliente_servicio.nombreCliente;
recibosRes.nFechaTransaccion = cliente_servicio.fechaTransaccion;
recibosRes.nCantServicios = cliente_servicio.cantServicios;
return recibosRes;
The connection to the database is fine, you just have to create a "data source" on the WebLogic server with the specifications we need, in my case a thin oracle instance connection.
Then, as I defined certain properties of the XML in my code, the XML that generates automatic SOAP UI was not serving me, I had to create the XML following my specifications, so I could get communication with the WebService.
The XML that served me was the following:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<web:ConsultarRecibosPendientes xmlns:web="http://websercice.fi.co/">
<strLlaveAcceso>llave de acceso</strLlaveAcceso>
Apart from this I changed the name to the parameter by "oReq", like this:
public ConsultarRecibosPendientesRes ConsultarRecibosPendientes(
@WebParam(name = "oReq", targetNamespace = "")
ConsultarRecibosPendientesReq oReq) {...}