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SonarQube doesn't analyze the main java code with IntelliJ and Maven

I'm using IntelliJ with Maven for my project and i have to analyze it with SonarQube, but when I scan my project with the command provided by the webApp it only analyzes the pom.xml file ignoring the rest of the project.

Analysis results

clean install sonar:sonar -Dsonar.login="the corresponding key here"

My pom.xml (what is inside the project tag):

    <!-- -->


I also tried to use this inside the configuration tag:


And this happened:

Second analysis

My settings.xml in Maven's conf:






I've been adding things to the POM because of different errors while trying to fix this.

I have the latest version of SonarQube installed.


  • So, the problem was that IntelliJ was configured with Java SE Development Kit 11, I downgraded to Java SE Development Kit 8u181 and configured the POM so Maven works with that change, I executed the scanner again and it worked.

    Changes to pom.xml:




    New analysis results