I have an array with some sub-arrays (the code below describes a situation where each sub-array has two sub-sub-arrays, that number can vary, it could be five, but in this scenario we know they all would have five sub-arrays) with different lengths. Something like:
let arrayA = [
[['a'] , ['b','c','d']], //lengths 1 and 3
[['e','f','g','z'], ['h','i','j']], //lengths 4 and 3
[['k','l'] , ['m','n']] //lengths 2 and 2
//sums 7 and 8
We want to add the lengths of each sub-subarray by the index of the sub-array to which they belong:
let arrayB = [[7],[8]]
What is the best way to achieve this?
You can use reduce
to summarize the array. Use forEach
to loop thru the inner array.
let arrayA = [[["a"],["b","c","d"]],[["e","f","g","z"],["h","i","j"]],[["k","l"],["m","n"]]];
let result = arrayA.reduce((c, v) => {
v.forEach((o, i) => {
c[i] = c[i] || [0];
c[i][0] += o.length;
return c;
}, []);