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What does “typedef void (^Something)()” mean

I was trying to compile stk. During the configuration I get the error

System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Headers/AudioHardware.h:162:2: error: expected identifier or '(' before '^' token (^AudioObjectPropertyListenerBlock)(

When I see the code I see ^ inside the function pointer declaration at line 162 in here. I know we can have * but what does ^ mean?

Code snippet :

#if defined(__BLOCKS__)
typedef void
(^AudioObjectPropertyListenerBlock)(    UInt32                              inNumberAddresses,
                                        const AudioObjectPropertyAddress    inAddresses[]);


  • As other answerers here say, it could be in C++/CLI.

    But also, if you are on a macOS (like you hinted in one comment), this is an Objective-C block.

    Its syntax is very very weird.

    The block is like a C++ closures and Java anonymous inner classes, it can capture variables.

    __block int insider = 0;
    void(^block)() = ^{
        // print insider here using your favourite method,  printf for example

    This is a complete NSObject (base Objective-C class), but is callable, this is not a mere function pointer.

    Refer to this Apple document:

    Now, we go to the important question, I want to run this on Linux, how ???

    LLVM supports block syntax, but you should refer to this StackOverflow question for more: Clang block in Linux?

    So, you should compile your code in the LLVM compiler, and use -fblocks and -lBlocksRuntime.

    Don't forget to install those Linux packages:

    llvm clang libblocksruntime-dev

    If you are already on macOS, just use -fblocks.