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BeautifulSoup Not Returning Viewcount

I'm trying to scrape the viewers on using Python. I have tried the basic BeautifulSoup script:

url= ''
html= urlopen(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(url, "html5lib") #also tried using html.parser, lxml

This gives me html without the actual viewer numbers shown.

Then I tried using param ajax data. From this thread

param = {"action": "getcategory",
        "br": "f21",
        "category": "dress",
        "pageno": "",
        "pagesize": "",
        "sort": "",
        "fsize": "",
        "fcolor": "",
        "fprice": "",
        "fattr": ""}

url = ""
# Also tried with the headers parameter headers={"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0...
js = requests.get(url,params=param).json()

But I get a JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) error.

From then I moved on to selenium

driver = webdriver.Edge()
url = ''
#Also tried driver.execute_script("return document.documentElement.outerHTML") and innerHTML
html = driver.page_source
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")

These just yield the same result I get from the standard BeautifulSoup call.

Any help on scraping the view count would be appreciated.


  • The stats are not present in the page when its first loaded. The page makes a graphql request to to fetch the game data. When a user isn't logged in the graphql request asks for the query AnonFrontPage_TopChannels.

    Here is a working request in python:

    import requests
    import json
    resp =
                "operationName": "AnonFrontPage_TopChannels",
                "variables": {"platformType": "all", "isTagsExperiment": True},
                "extensions": {
                    "persistedQuery": {
                        "version": 1,
                        "sha256Hash": "d94b2fd8ad1d2c2ea82c187d65ebf3810144b4436fbf2a1dc3af0983d9bd69e9",
        headers = {'Client-Id': 'kimne78kx3ncx6brgo4mv6wki5h1ko'},

    I've included the Client-Id in the request. The id doesn't seem to be unique to the session, but I imagine Twitch expires them, so this likely won't work forever. You'll have to inspect future graphql requests and grab a new Client-Id in the future or figure out how to programmatically scrape one from the page.

    This request actually seems to be the Top Live Channels section. Here's how you can get the view counts and titles:

    edges = json.loads(resp.content)["data"]["streams"]["edges"]
    games = [(f["node"]["title"], f["node"]["viewersCount"]) for f in edges]
    # games:
        ("Let us GAME", 78250),
        ("(REBROADCAST) Worlds Play-In Knockouts: Cloud9 vs. Gambit Esports", 36783),
        ("RuneFest 2018 - OSRS Reveals !schedule", 35042),
        (None, 25237),
        ("Front Page of TWITCH + Fortnite FALL SKIRMISH Training!", 22380),
        ("Reckful - 3v3 with barry and a german", 20399),

    You'll need to check the chrome network inspector and figure out the structure of the other requests to get more data.

    And here's an example for the directory page:

    import requests
    import json
    resp =
                "operationName": "BrowsePage_AllDirectories",
                "variables": {
                    "limit": 30,
                    "directoryFilters": ["GAMES"],
                    "isTagsExperiment": True,
                    "tags": [],
                "extensions": {
                    "persistedQuery": {
                        "version": 1,
                        "sha256Hash": "75fb8eaa6e61d995a4d679dcb78b0d5e485778d1384a6232cba301418923d6b7",
        headers={"Client-Id": "kimne78kx3ncx6brgo4mv6wki5h1ko"},
    edges = json.loads(resp.content)["data"]["directoriesWithTags"]["edges"]
    games = [f["node"] for f in edges]