I have a problem with my restriction system for commands.
The message 'you don't have permission' will only run once (when you don't have the role). I'm aware that if you don't set a var (in this case checkrole
) the code will be executed once however, I don't know how to check when a command is executed.
So I could do something like this:
if (command === ' ') {
checkrole = false
Code of interest:
if (!message.member.roles.some(r => ["someone"].includes(r.name.toLowerCase())) && checkrole === false) {
checkrole = true;
return message.channel.send('Sorry, but you do not have the **permissions** to do that.');
(var checkrole is defined - it begins as false (var checkrole = false;
Kind regards, Ruben
Usually if you want to use commands you need a prefix. Once you chose that, you know that the content of the message (Message.content
) will start with prefix + command
. So you could write it like this:
// Assuming that:
// var prefix = '-'; for example
if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + "mycommand")) {
checkrole = false;
Although this works, there are more efficient ways to use commands, especially if you'll need to use arguments and so on...
Reading this guide might help you: it covers the basics but also more advanced stuff ;)