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React Native : Cannot read property 'Document Dir' of undefined when importing react-native-fetch-blob

I was trying to use react-native-fetch-blob in my project, but whenever I put an

import RNFetchBlob from 'react-native-fetch-blob'

and I get an error on the emulator as

Cannot read property 'Document Dir' of undefined

I have installed it using

npm i --save react-native-fetch-blob

and linked it using

react-native link

Error :

Cannot read property 'DocumentDir' of undefined fs.js:24:31 loadModuleImplementation require.js:214:4 guardedLoadModule require.js:148:11 _require require.js:132:2 index.js:21 loadModuleImplementation require.js:214:4 guardedLoadModule require.js:148:11 _require require.js:132:2 App.js:6 loadModuleImplementation require.js:214:4


  • After installing and linking the package. Do the following

    watchman watch-del-all
    npm cache clean --force

    rm -f /ios/build (if you are building for ios) rm -f /android/build (if you are building for android)

    react-native run-ios `or` react-native run-ios

    Hope it solves your problem