When trying to run this code Julia keeps giving me the error message "KeyError: key 18=>63 not found" anytime I try to access demand[i]. It seems that this error happens every time the element in dem is larger than 50.
using JuMP, Clp
hours = 1:24
dem = [43 40 36 36 35 38 41 46 49 48 47 47 48 46 45 47 50 63 75 75 72 66 57 50]
demand = Dict(zip(hours, dem))
m = Model(solver=ClpSolver())
@variable(m, x[demand] >= 0)
@variable(m, y[demand] >= 0)
for i in demand
if demand[i] > 50
@constraint(m, y[i] == demand[i])
@constraint(m, x[i] == demand[i])
Not sure how to solve this issue.
This worked for me, using Julia 1.0
using JuMP, Clp
hours = 1:24
dem = [43 40 36 36 35 38 41 46 49 48 47 47 48 46 45 47 50 63 75 75 72 66 57 50]
demand = Dict(zip(hours, dem))
m = Model()
setsolver(m, ClpSolver())
@variable(m, x[keys(demand)] >= 0)
@variable(m, y[keys(demand)] >= 0)
for (h, d) in demand
if d > 50
@constraint(m, y[h] == d)
@constraint(m, x[h] == d)
status = solve(m)
println("Objective value: ", getobjectivevalue(m))
println("x = ", getvalue(x))
println("y = ", getvalue(y))