when we write something like
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
Do we actually call the constructor defined in Scanner class with new Scanner(System.in)? If the answer is yes then how is it possible to access the constructor which is a special type of method without creating an instance. If the answer is no then why does it always have to have a name of a constructor?
Do we actually call the constructor defined in Scanner class with new Scanner(System.in)?
If the answer is yes then how is it possible to access the constructor which is a special type of method without creating an instance.
You can copy the bytecode and create a method with the same code to do the same thing. However, you can't call the constructor by normal means as a method.
A Constructor is like a Method in some ways, however it is different in the sense it is only called to initialise a new object and is not used to be called directly.