I have this code
var value = (from dc in _context.ContractDetails
where dc.EmployeeID == id
select dc.Amount);
return value;
is it acceptable to do Value.Sum();
You want to return the sum it looks like. Instead of having query be a decimal, just let it be what it wants (var, it's really IEnumerable<decimal>
). Then you can return an aggregate on that. Sum for example
var query = from emp in Employees
join cd in ContractDetails
on emp.EmployeeID equals cd.EmployeeID
where cd.EmployeeID == id
select cd.Amount;
return query.Sum();
If this is all it does, then I also feel like you don't need to join at all, and it would be simpler to do
var query = from cd in ContractDetails
where cd.EmployeeID == id
select cd.Amount;
return query.Sum();
... unless you were using the join to test for the existence of an employee in the Employee table as a condition.