I want to select()
an object based on a string containing a jq variable ($ARCH
) using -arg
jq argument. Here's the use-case while looking for "/bin/linux/$ARCH/kubeadm
" from Google...
# You may need to install `xml2json` IE
# sudo gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri xml2json and run the script I wrote to do the xml2json:
# Written by Jim Conner
require 'xml2json'
xml = ARGV[0]
if xml == '-'
xdata = ARGF.read.chomp
puts XML2JSON.parse(xdata)
puts XML2JSON.parse(File.read(file2parse).chomp)
rescue => e
$stderr.puts 'Unable to comply: %s' % [e.message]
Then run the following:
curl -sSL https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/ > /var/tmp/k8s.xml | \
xml2json - | \
jq --arg ARCH amd64 '[.ListBucketResult.Contents[] | select(.Key | contains("/bin/linux/$arch/kubeadm"))]'
...which returns an empty set because jq
doesn't transliterate inside quotes. I know I can get around this by using multiple select/contains() but I'd prefer not to if possible.
simply may not do it, but if someone knows a way to do it, I'd much appreciate it.
jq does support string interpolation, and in your case the string would be:
Notice that this is not a JSON string: the occurrence of "\("
signals that the string is subject to interpolation. Very nifty.
(Alternatively, you could of course use string concatenation:
"/bin/linux/" + $ARCH + "/kubeadm"
Btw, you might wish to avoid contains
here. Its semantics is (are?) quite complex and perhaps counter-intuitive. Consider using startswith
, index
, or (for regex matches) test