I'm trying to scan a maven project using greenlight. It runs smoothly when the project is single module (src and target folder are at the root) but fails when is multi-module. Multimódule means :
-- module-one
-- src
-- target
-- module-two
-- src
-- target
and so on.
The greenlight jar is looking for builds in the wrong place and I can not found any way to indicate the correct path
java -jar gl-scanner-java.jar [params...] -b target/classes The results is the expectec because the target classes folder is not there
GREENLIGHT SEVERE: Provided build directory 'path/./target/classes' is not a directory or not accessible: skipping pair #1.
java -jar gl-scanner-java.jar [params...] -b module-one/target/classes The build path is wrong:
Source file: module-one/src/main/java/.../ByteCodeChange.java
Build file: module-one/module-one/target/classes/.../ByteCodeChange.class
And of course fail:
GREENLIGHT SEVERE: Unable to create JAR 'path/module-one/module-one/target/classes/.../ByteCodeChange.class': Problem accessing input file: module-one/module-one/target/classes/.../ByteCodeChange.class (No such file or directory)
Does not matter about the -b paramater is passed, it will never found the correct build path but take a look the source file found is the correct one.
Could some one help me. Thanks!
try specifying multiple source and build directories:
-s module-one/src/main/java,module-two/src/main/java \
-b module-one/target/classes,modules-two/target/classes