As part of a solving a computationally intensive task, I wish to have 1000 gen_servers doing small task and update the global database. How can I achieve this in erlang OTP? In most of the examples the supervisor supervises only a single gen_server. Can a supervisor supervise more than a thousand instances of the same gen_server?
e.g. Say I want to find maximum of a extremely long array and each gen_server instance should create work on a part of the array and update the global minimum.
Is it possible: yes. For example you can create a pool of 1000 processes with the following supervisor:
-module (big_supervisor).
start_link() ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, {}).
%% @private
init({}) ->
Children = create_child_specs(1000),
RestartStrategy = {one_for_one, 5, 10},
{ok, {RestartStrategy, Children}}.
create_child_specs(Number) ->
[{{child_process,X},{child_process, start_link, []},permanent, 5000, worker,[child_process]} || X <- lists:seq(1,Number)].
Is it a good architecture, I don't know. Until now I have found 2 kinds of architectures:
strategy and the start_child/2
functions.Notes also that the supervisors are not mandatory if you want to spawn processes. In your explanation it seems that the processes could be created for a very limited time, in order to compute in parallel something. Two remarks in this case: