There is a '--body' option for most of the Amster commands. This options allows you to send the body of a request with JSON syntax. However, if the body of your request is big, the --body option will be big and the Amster command will be huge for your terminal. Is there any option to specify this JSON text in a way that it is not so uncomfortable for the command-line? Maybe it exists an option that allows you to indicate the path of a JSON file or something like that. I will be very grateful for any answer.
My answer below is based on the latest available Amster (6.0.0)
You can use Amster in Script mode.
Essentially you can write your amster commands in a separate file, lets call it myscript.amster
, please note, the extension is not important.
You can then add your entire command including the json in your script, for e.x. to create a realm: Please note the use of: \ to spill the json across multiple lines.
create Realms --global --body '{ \
"name": "test", \
"active": false, \
"parentPath": "/", \
"aliases": [ "testing" ] \
Now, you can run this script in two modes:
From within the amster shell:
am> :load <pathToYourScript>
Without having to enter the script mode:
amster/amster <pathToYourScript>
In this mode, do remember to connect
to your openam server before running your commands and :quit
at the end. You should find some more samples in the samples
directory of your amster.