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Dynamic Named range for another worksheet

I have this dynamic named range:

= OFFSET('Sheet1'!$H$1, 0, 0, COUNTA('Sheet1'!$H$1:$H$100)-COUNTIF('Sheet1'!$H$1,0))

It only works for Sheet1.

How can I modify this formula so it works on all sheets? (There are about 20 different sheets named as "2010", "2011", etc).


  • All the sheets are structured in the same way
  • This dynamic named range will be used to update charts
  • Is there a way to use INDIRECT?


  • You need identically named Named Ranges with worksheet scope, not workbook scope.

    I've modified your named range definition to the following.

    =Sheet1!$H$1:INDEX(Sheet1!$H:$H, MATCH(1E+99, Sheet1!$H:$H))

    This VBA will create worksheet scope named ranges for all worksheets in the loop.

    Sub createNames()
        Dim wsn As Long, f As String
        For wsn = 2010 To 2019
            On Error GoTo next_wsn
            With Worksheets(CStr(wsn))
                On Error Resume Next
                On Error GoTo 0
                f = Replace("=Sheet!R1C8:INDEX(Sheet!C8, MATCH(1E+99, Sheet!C8))", "Sheet", Format(wsn, "'0'"))
                .Names.Add Name:="Hnumbers", RefersToR1C1:=f
            End With
        Next wsn
    End Sub