I have this dynamic named range:
= OFFSET('Sheet1'!$H$1, 0, 0, COUNTA('Sheet1'!$H$1:$H$100)-COUNTIF('Sheet1'!$H$1,0))
It only works for Sheet1.
How can I modify this formula so it works on all sheets? (There are about 20 different sheets named as "2010", "2011", etc).
You need identically named Named Ranges with worksheet scope, not workbook scope.
I've modified your named range definition to the following.
=Sheet1!$H$1:INDEX(Sheet1!$H:$H, MATCH(1E+99, Sheet1!$H:$H))
This VBA will create worksheet scope named ranges for all worksheets in the loop.
Sub createNames()
Dim wsn As Long, f As String
For wsn = 2010 To 2019
On Error GoTo next_wsn
With Worksheets(CStr(wsn))
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
f = Replace("=Sheet!R1C8:INDEX(Sheet!C8, MATCH(1E+99, Sheet!C8))", "Sheet", Format(wsn, "'0'"))
.Names.Add Name:="Hnumbers", RefersToR1C1:=f
End With
Next wsn
End Sub