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Ionic 4 nav component WITHOUT Angular

Really loving the new ionic 4 components -- especially, NO Angular.

Issue though: I use the ion-nav like so:


The animation is not right. It seems I'm not setting the right parameters or classname or something. Is there docs/advice on how to use Ionic 4 nav WITHOUT angular?


  • So, after mucking around in the Ionic Framework 4 docs for two days, I see that there's basically nothing there to explain how to do this.

    But, ... its actually not that hard to implement.

    Got to: Then inspect the element of the phone example. Find the iframe in the elements tab of Chrome dev tools (or whatever you use). Copy that src and open it in a new browser tab. Now, you can see a working example that uses no framework. You can just copy the HTML src and create your own index.html from that and it should work.

    The list of making the ion-nav work is this:

    • Make sure to have class="plt-desktop ios" mode="ios" attrs in HTML tag (or whatever os you want)
    • Make sure to have included js and CSS: '' and '' in HTML file
    • Make sure the ion-nav is wrapped inside of the ion-app tag.
    • add root="page-one" attr to your ion-nav signifying what web component you want to be initially shown. "page-one" is the name of your component as defined by window.customElements.define -- whatever you want it to be.
    • You can use an ion-nav-push component to push another page onto the nav component. But, more likely, you'll be using a router (React, Page, etc, etc) to handle this. In your specific router solution instigate the page navigation by calling the push method on the ion-nav element: something like:


    You can read more about calling the navigation methods here:

    Here is an example:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html dir="ltr" class="plt-desktop ios" mode="ios">
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
      <script src=""></script>
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        class PageOne extends HTMLElement {
          connectedCallback() {
            this.innerHTML = `
              <ion-header translucent>
                  <ion-title>Page One</ion-title>
              <ion-content padding fullscreen>
                <h1>Page One</h1>
                <ion-nav-push component="page-two">
                  <ion-button class="next">Go to Page Two</ion-button>
        class PageTwo extends HTMLElement {
          connectedCallback() {
            this.innerHTML = `
              <ion-header translucent>
                  <ion-buttons slot="start">
                    <ion-back-button text="Page One"></ion-back-button>
                  <ion-title>Page Two</ion-title>
              <ion-content padding fullscreen>
                <h1>Page Two</h1>
                  <ion-nav-push component="page-three">
                    <ion-button class="next">Go to Page Three</ion-button>
        class PageThree extends HTMLElement {
          connectedCallback() {
            this.innerHTML = `
              <ion-header translucent>
                  <ion-buttons slot="start">
                    <ion-back-button text="Page Two"></ion-back-button>
                  <ion-title>Page Three</ion-title>
              <ion-content padding fullscreen>
                <h1>Page Three</h1>
        customElements.define('page-one', PageOne);
        customElements.define('page-two', PageTwo);
        customElements.define('page-three', PageThree);
        <ion-nav root="page-one"></ion-nav>
        ion-toolbar {
          --background: white;