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How to split a string value in json and convert to nested objects using jq?

I am trying to use jq to convert something like this:

    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {
      "osm_id": "172544",
      "highway": "crossing",
      "other_tags": "\"crossing\"=>\"uncontrolled\",\"tactile_paving\"=>\"yes\""
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [

into this:

    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {
      "osm_id": "172544",
      "highway": "crossing",
      "other_tags": {
        "crossing": "uncontrolled",
        "tactile_paving": "yes"
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [

right now, this is my progress:

jq 'map(try(.properties.other_tags |= split(",") // .)) | map(try(.properties.other_tags[] |= split("=>") // .)) | map(try(.properties.other_tags[] |= { (.[0]) : .[1] } // .))' example.json

but the output of "other_tags" looks like this:

  "other_tags": [
      "\"crossing\"": "\"uncontrolled\""
      "\"tactile_paving\"": "\"yes\""

I am pretty sure this is not as performant as it could be.

It's used to transform osm exports, which are fairly big

Is there a more elegant/shorter jq instruction i can use, also giving me the desired output as stated above?


  • found a satisfying solution while fiddling around on jqplay:

    jq '.features
      | map(try(.properties.other_tags |=
                 | join("\"##strsplit##\"")
                 | split("##strsplit##")
                 | .[] |= split("=>") 
                 | .[] |= {(.[0][1:-1]): (.[1][1:-1])}
                 | add)) // .)'

    edit: changed the array index, thanks to peak for your comment

    edit2: comma tolerant and includes nodes w/o 'other_tags'