I have a Asp.netCore app.
I set its output to an exe.
I then compile it like so:
dotnet publish -r win-arm
I then open the network share on my Raspberry Pi running Windows 10 IoT.
I copy all the contents inside my published folder on desktop to a folder on my raspberry pi.
I then use powershell to start this exe off.
I then browse to the Raspberry Pis Ip address from my desktop.
my pages load fine.
If I now navigate to a page that I know will get records from my sqlite db I get this error:
Reading the error tells me (i think) I am using the wrong dll.
At present I am using the Dlls for Sqlite that I used on a previous uwp app that I also deployed to the raspberry pi box (and that worked).
I have Googled and it told me to use the uwp dlls. All I can think of it is because I compiled it using the arm switch I need to use a sqlite dll when using this on the Pi box.
Am I right and if so where can I get a arm sqlite dll?
if I am wrong what should I do?
Also I am using .netcore 2.1
These are the libaries I am using:
Following Rita's answer I got a different error which is this:
This issue due to e_sqlite3.dll missed in asp.net core app publish folder. You can find similar issues on Github like this.
There is a workaround I test on Raspberry Pi with Windows IoT Core and it works for me.
Find the winsqlite3.dll in \Windows\system32 on Raspberry Pi and copy this file to your app publish folder and rename this file to e_sqlite3.dll. Then it will work.
Only Microsoft.Data.Sqlite nuget package needs to install.
The .csproj file content:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Data.Sqlite" Version="2.1.0" />