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How do I use RegEx in a Twig/Timber filter?

I'm trying to use preg_replace and a regex to remove the brackets [ and ] and all characters inside of them from the text output of a Twig v2 template using a Twig filter.

An example of the content output by Twig is

An example of content is [caption id="attachment_4487" align="alignright" width="500"] Lorem Ipsum caption blah blah[/caption] and more content.

I want to remove everything inside the [ and ] brackets, leaving the Lorem Ipsum caption blah blah, as well as the An example of content is, etc.

The problem is that right now, I get no content displayed at all when the filter is used. The issue may be the filter construction for Twig; but I get no errors in the log. I've tested the regex at but that could still be the issue.

The existing Twig filter strips html, but doesn't strip brackets.

This is my filter function in functions.php:

add_filter('timber/twig', function($twig) {
   $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_StringLoader());

     new Twig_SimpleFilter(

        function($string) {

            $string = preg_replace('\[.*?\]', '', $string);
            return $string;


   return $twig;

And the filter is called the standard way in the template.twig file:

{{ content|strip_square_brackets }}


  • The problem is that you replace a string, not a regex. Of course that string won't match.

    Your line with Regex should look like:

    $string = preg_replace(/\[.*?\]/, '', $string);

    Now you're replacing a regex match with the empty string.

    Bonus Edit:

    The answer to your bonus question:


    Basically it just doubles the match and matches everything in between.

    An alternative, which is more robust, if you always use 'caption':
