I am starting to use VBA programing and am stumped on how to extract what I need from non-sequential data. I have tried using excel functions such as "VLookup", "INDEX(Match(", "MAX(If", "MIN(If" but can only find the first or last match and nothing around where the sequence breaks. I don't think it is possible with Excel functions which is why I am trying to figure out how to do this in VBA. Maybe "If, Else, Loop" but not sure.
Criteria: Must have matching "Item desc" and "Supplier".
Output1: Find Year/Week after gap in delivery.
Output2: Find Year/Week prior to gap in delivery.
Below is a sample image of Excel layout of the raw data on sheet1 and the analysis on sheet2.
This code should do what you want but check if it doesn't make mistakes. I didn't check it too much so it may produce errors. Run it in a copy of workbook.
You should put this into class module and call it 'CItem':
Public pItemDescription As String
Public pSupplier As String
Public pDateDelivery As Collection
That table in 'Analysis' should be empty.
Then this into regular module:
Option Explicit
Sub SortCheck()
Dim aSht As Worksheet
Dim bSht As Worksheet
Dim tempItemDescription As String
Dim tempSupplier As String
Dim tempDateDelivery As String
Dim xItemsAll As Collection
Dim xItem As CItem
Dim xI As Variant
Dim flag As Boolean
Dim xTemp As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim Row As Long
Set xItemsAll = New Collection
Set xItem = New CItem
Set aSht = Worksheets("Raw Data")
Set bSht = Worksheets("Analysis")
Row = 2
flag = True
' If the cell is empty, stop populating the collection
If aSht.Cells(Row, 2).Value = "" Then Exit Do
' ---
tempDateDelivery = aSht.Cells(Row, 1).Value
tempItemDescription = aSht.Cells(Row, 2).Value
tempSupplier = aSht.Cells(Row, 3).Value
'If xItemsAll contains some records, check wheter similar records exist
If xItemsAll.Count > 0 Then
For Each xI In xItemsAll
If tempItemDescription = xI.pItemDescription And tempSupplier = xI.pSupplier Then
Set xItem = New CItem
Set xItem = xI
xItem.pDateDelivery.Add tempDateDelivery
Set xItem = Nothing
flag = False
Exit For
flag = True
End If
Next xI
End If
' If the first pass or no element in collection yet, create new record
If flag = True Then
Set xItem = New CItem
With xItem
.pItemDescription = tempItemDescription
.pSupplier = tempSupplier
Set .pDateDelivery = New Collection
.pDateDelivery.Add tempDateDelivery
End With
xItemsAll.Add xItem
Set xItem = Nothing
flag = False
End If
Row = Row + 1
'Sort the collection - Item Description in order
For i = 1 To xItemsAll.Count - 1
For j = i + 1 To xItemsAll.Count
If xItemsAll(i).pItemDescription > xItemsAll(j).pItemDescription Then
Set xItem = New CItem
Set xItem = xItemsAll(j)
xItemsAll.Remove j
If j <> xItemsAll.Count + 1 Then
xItemsAll.Add xItemsAll(i), , j
xItemsAll.Add xItemsAll(i), , , j - 1
End If
xItemsAll.Remove i
If i <> xItemsAll.Count + 1 Then
xItemsAll.Add xItem, , i
xItemsAll.Add xItem, , , i - 1
End If
Set xItem = Nothing
End If
Next j
Next i
'Sort the collection - Suplier in order
For i = 1 To xItemsAll.Count - 1
For j = i + 1 To xItemsAll.Count
If xItemsAll(i).pItemDescription = xItemsAll(j).pItemDescription Then
If xItemsAll(i).pSupplier > xItemsAll(j).pSupplier Then
Set xItem = New CItem
Set xItem = xItemsAll(j)
xItemsAll.Remove j
If j <> xItemsAll.Count + 1 Then
xItemsAll.Add xItemsAll(i), , j
xItemsAll.Add xItemsAll(i), , , j - 1
End If
xItemsAll.Remove i
If i <> xItemsAll.Count + 1 Then
xItemsAll.Add xItem, , i
xItemsAll.Add xItem, , , i - 1
End If
Set xItem = Nothing
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
'Sort the collection - Dates in order
For k = 1 To xItemsAll.Count
For i = 1 To xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery.Count - 1
For j = i + 1 To xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery.Count
If xItemsAll(k).pItemDescription = xItemsAll(k).pItemDescription Then
If xItemsAll(k).pSupplier = xItemsAll(k).pSupplier Then
If xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery(i) > xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery(j) Then
xTemp = xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery(j)
xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery.Remove j
If j <> xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery.Count + 1 Then
xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery.Add xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery(i), , j
xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery.Add xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery(i), , , j - 1
End If
xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery.Remove i
If i <> xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery.Count + 1 Then
xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery.Add xTemp, , i
xItemsAll(k).pDateDelivery.Add xTemp, , , i - 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
Next k
Row = 2
For i = 1 To xItemsAll.Count
For j = 1 To xItemsAll(i).pDateDelivery.Count - 1
If CLng(Mid(xItemsAll(i).pDateDelivery(j + 1), 5)) <> (CLng(Mid(xItemsAll(i).pDateDelivery(j), 5)) + 1) Then
bSht.Cells(Row, 1).Value = xItemsAll(i).pDateDelivery(j + 1)
bSht.Cells(Row, 2).Value = xItemsAll(i).pDateDelivery(j)
bSht.Cells(Row, 3).Value = xItemsAll(i).pItemDescription
bSht.Cells(Row, 4).Value = xItemsAll(i).pSupplier
Row = Row + 1
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
For the code to work corectly it has to be 201801, 201805, etc. not 20181, 20185, etc. So if you have it different you would have to modify it with functions or vba.