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How to Run XJC in Java 9+

I downloaded JAXB and JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) 1.2.0 (based on the answer to this question). I extracted all JAR files to the same directory, then run the following command within that directory:

java -cp jaxb-api.jar;jaxb-core.jar;jaxb-impl.jar;javax.activation-1.2.0.jar
    -jar jaxb-xjc.jar [xjc-arguments]

The above command fails with the following message:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/DataSource
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.activation.DataSource

I have verified that class exists within the javax.activation-1.2.0.jar file. I have also tried using the new (to Java 9+) arguments -p . --add-modules java.activation, but that fails with the following error message:

Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.modules.ResolutionException: Modules jaxb.core and jaxb.impl export package com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller to module java.activation

If I try a combination of -cp and --add-modules, I get a different boot layer initialization error. Does anyone know how to get XJC to run using a Java 9+ platform?

My specific use case is OpenJDK 11 on Windows.


  • The primary issue was that the java executable doesn't support specifying both the -cp and -jar command-line arguments at the same time. Thanks to Alan Bateman for that information!

    Therefore, the correct way to get this to work is by using the following command:

    java -cp javax.activation-1.2.0.jar;jaxb-xjc.jar

    In order to simplify running XJC, open bin/xjc.bat (extracted from, and edit the command line to match the above call.