I am trying to implement Uploadcare for multi-image upload, but confused about the code structure. Below code works, but it has two .fail
blocks and two .done
blocks. Additionally, adding the images to the front-end using $.each()
should be done after the group has been saved on the server, while this code executes both simultaneously.
How can this code be improved?
$('button').on('click', function() {
var myDialog = uploadcare.openDialog(null, {
imagesOnly: true, multiple: true, multipleMin: 1, multipleMax: 7
myDialog.fail(function(error, fileInfo) {
alert('Upload fialed');
groupInstance => {
var groupPromise = groupInstance.promise();
var arrayOfFiles = groupInstance.files();
groupPromise.done(function(fileGroupInfo) {
/* Save group to server using Ajax */
groupPromise.fail(function(error, fileGroupInfo) {
alert('Upload failed');
$.each(arrayOfFiles, function(i, file) {
file.done(function(fileInfo) {
/* Add image to front-end */
return false;
And the AJAX function:
uploadGroup = function(imgurl) {
function(data) {
if(data.status=='success') {
else {
Also confused about the groupInstance =>
It seems arrayOfFiles is an array of promises?
So, you wait for all of them to complete using $.when
and since you're already using modern javascript, going to add another "oddity" you may not be familiar with ...
, but it makes things easier
I may have misunderstood what you wanted to wait for
groupInstance => {
var groupPromise = groupInstance.promise();
var arrayOfFiles = groupInstance.files();
groupPromise.done(function(fileGroupInfo) {
/* Save group to server using Ajax */
// move the .each code here
$.each(arrayOfFiles, function(i, file) {
file.done(function(fileInfo) {
/* Add image to front-end */
/* Probably not what you wanted
$.when(...arrayOfFiles).then((...fileInfos) => {
$.each(fileInfos, function(i, fileInfo) {
// Add image to front-end
// the above 5 lines in old school JS
$.when.apply(null, arrayOfFiles).then(function() {
var fileInfos = [].slice.call(arguments);
$.each(fileInfos, function(i, fileInfo) {
// Add image to front-end
groupPromise.fail(function(error, fileGroupInfo) {
alert('Upload failed');
... ...
is spread syntax ... so
is like
$.when.apply(null, arrayOfFiles)
and function(...fileInfos)
is Rest Syntax
function(...fileInfos) {
is equivalent to
function() {
fileInfos = [].slice.call(arguments);
is like