So I have a list of words. For example, {Apple, Available, Art, Between, Beyond, Door, Drive, ......}
and I want to show the number of words that begin with each letter of the alphabet, so the outcome should be like A = 3, B = 2, D = 2, ......
Here is the code I wrote, but apparently it didn't work like the way I wanted.
Map<String, Integer> myMap = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < theWords.length; i++) {
for (char alphabet = 'A'; alphabet <= 'Z'; alphabet++) {
int numOfWords = 0;
char firstLetter = theWords[i].charAt(0);
if (firstLetter == alphabet) {
myMap.put(String.valueOf(alphabet), numOfWords + 1);
And this is the outcome I got ...
{A=1, B=1, C=1, D=1, E=1, F=1, G=1, H=1, J=1, K=1, L=1, M=1, N=1, O=1, P=1, Q=1, R=1, S=1, T=1, U=1, W=1, Y=1}
P.S. I have to use TreeMap.
Rather than the double loop, you can get the first character and add to the Map.
Something akin to:
for (String fruit : theFruits) {
String firstLetter = fruit.substring(0, 1);
Integer count = myMap.get(firstLetter);
if (count == null) {
myMap.put(firstLetter, 1);
else {
myMap.put(firstLetter, ++count);