I have used react-modal for modal dialog,
and in my reactjs render(), i have the following modal
contentLabel="Minimal Modal Example">
<button style={styleClose} onClick={this.handleCloseModal}>
But when this dialog open, the items behind are overlapping, how can I have only dialog being visible and not the background elements?
The elements that are overlapping are the components that have radiobuttons. Normal text are not overlapping. How can i make these buttons not to overlap?
I tried setting the zIndex and apply styling but that doesnt work.
Also how can i have close when i also click esc on keyboard ?
The first part of your question needs more info for clarification, I can answer the second part:
Add this to your modal element:
If you haven't, remember to also add onRequestClose={<your component method that hides the modal}
Check this link for more usage: http://reactcommunity.org/react-modal/#usage