I am using Swoole server and slim framework, especially this library:
I have followed the tutorial, and gives me this error:
Fatal error: Swoole\Server::__construct(): swoole_server only can be used in PHP CLI mode. in /Users/powermilk/Documents/Proyectos/prueba/public/index.php on line 48
the line 48 has the below code:
$http = new swoole_http_server("", 8081);
I don't understand why happens this if I quit the library code everything works nice, but I am not able to run slim with Swoole.
The server is running over Nginx.
I'm the writer of the library. Yes, you have to create your "front controller"ish file and execute it from CLI. Sort of, from terminal, "php name_of_your_file.php" and leave it running.