I have a problem with styling JFXButton
from this library : jfoenix.com
I would like to change the JFXButton
Rippler Fill Color, when user click a button. But it's not working. I checked on the internet. But a solution could not be found. Have you to any ideas?
private void settingApplyBtnAction(ActionEvent event) {
//option 1
paymentBtn.setStyle("-jfx-rippler-fill: " + themeColor);
//option 2
paymentBtn.setStyle("-fx-rippler-fill: " + themeColor);
/*other code....*/
But if I give a color from SceneBuilder, it's working fine. Anyone can help me.
If you must use code to change your theme, try using the setRipplerFill
method on the JFXButton class.
private void settingApplyBtnAction(ActionEvent event) {
/*other code....*/