Is it possible for a Spring Cloud Task to launch a Spring Cloud Stream (Source, Processor and Sink applications) as a short lived stream and track the stream processing status through the Task Repository?
When using Spring Cloud Data Flow, you have the option to launch a Task/Batch-job from a Stream and vice-versa. The bi-directional communication is a convenient feature in SCDF.
A Task/Batch-job can emit events to a channel/topic and that can be an input to a Stream in SCDF - see sample.
Likewise, there are a variety of ways you can trigger to launch a Task/Batch-job from a Stream - more details here.
To centrally manage and monitor Streams and Tasks, SCDF provides tools to track them from the UI/Shell/APIs individually. The Stream status will be self-contained (available from persistent storage - see lifecycle), but it won't be part of Task Repository, though.