I have made a test project using Network Manager, and unity multiplayer service. It works perfectly on PC, but android device does not see list of servers.
After couple of hours searching internet, all I have found is that I have to supply Unet ID. I have found the ID in the Unity Dashboard, but.. what the hell do I do with it now? There is a ton of abandoned questions & threads all over the internet, and no answer. Help?
Unfortunatly, uNet is now deprecated, and was never really fully supported/working.
It is strongly advised to look for other solutions especially if you need matchmaking. I would recommand photon:
there is a new version that just came out: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/network/pun-2-free-119922
or you have the old version: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/network/photon-unity-networking-classic-free-1786