I am taking the parameters from TemplateJSON file and reading data from CSV file and the converting it to JSON again.
"rolefullpath": ""
CSV File:
FolderName\ABCD,ABCD User Account Resource
I am getting the output in this format (without the square brackets):
"adhocUARs":"ABCD User Account Resource",
"rolefullpath": "xyz"
But I expect the output to be in the following format(with the square brackets):
"adhocUARs":["ABCD User Account Resource"]
"rolefullpath": "xyz"
Code used:
$TemplateJSON = Convertfrom-json ([IO.File]::ReadAllText("TemplateJSON.json"))
$RoleFile = Import-CSV "CSVFile.csv" -Delimiter ','
[int]$Row = 0
Foreach ($Line in $RoleFile)
$Row = $Row + 1
$NewJSON = $TemplateJSON
$NewJSON.adhocUARs = $Line.ResourceName
$NewJSON.roleFullPath= $Line.RoleFullPath
$RolePath = "D:\\DummyFolder\"
$JSONPath = $RolePath + "patch.json"
Convertto-JSON $NewJSON | Out-file -Encoding "UTF8" $JSONPath
What am I missing?gr
so in JSON the [ ] is an array. Currently you have $NewJSON.adhocUARs as a string single value. A simple solution would be :
$NewJSON.adhocUARs = @($Line.ResourceName)