I made an array that is 10 in length. Each slot has a name. My goal is to randomly pick a name and do a binary search to find it. I don't understand what is wrong with it but if you could at least give me a hint it would be very helpful, thank you. Here's my code:
private int iRecursiveCalls = 0;
public void runRecursiveTest(){
String[] iArraySize = new String[10];
String[] aiNumbers = new String[iArraySize.length];
SecureRandom oRand = new SecureRandom();
iArraySize[0] = "John";
iArraySize[1] = "Max";
iArraySize[2] = "Kyle";
iArraySize[3] = "Sam";
iArraySize[4] = "Robert";
iArraySize[5] = "Alex";
iArraySize[6] = "Bob";
iArraySize[7] = "Daniel";
iArraySize[8] = "Felix";
iArraySize[9] = "Michael";
String iTarget = aiNumbers[oRand.nextInt(iArraySize.length)];
System.out.println("Target num: " + iTarget);
System.out.println("--- Begin Binary Search ---");
long lBegTime = System.nanoTime();
findNumbersBinarySearch(aiNumbers, iTarget, 0, iArraySize.length -1);
long lEndTime = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("Elapsed time: " + (lEndTime - lBegTime));
System.out.println("Recursive calls: " + iRecursiveCalls);
System.out.println("--- End Binary Search ---");
private int findNumbersBinarySearch(String[] aiNumbers, String iTarget,
int iLow, int iHigh){
int iMiddle = (iHigh + iLow) / 2;
return iMiddle;
else if(iTarget.compareTo(aiNumbers[iMiddle])>0){
return findNumbersBinarySearch(aiNumbers, iTarget,
iMiddle + 1, iHigh);
return findNumbersBinarySearch(aiNumbers, iTarget,
iLow, iMiddle - 1);
What can I do to fix it?
Your algorithm isn't working because you're indexing into, sorting and passing into your function an empty array. You may have been confused between iArraySize
and aiNumbers
; both of these are misleading variable names because you're adding string names to iArraySize
and aiNumbers
doesn't contain numbers. Your binary search function name and other variables are similarly misleading; they use the word Numbers
and the prefix i
even though the function header takes a String[]
Furthermore, your code will blow the call stack if the target isn't found in the array. The classic binary search will return failure once lo > hi
; I can't think of any reason not to include the base case.
Another binary search gotcha is to use the formula mid = (hi - lo) / 2 + lo
. This avoids nasty integer overflow bugs that might occur if hi + lo > Integer.MAX_SIZE
This code fixes these issues by sticking to one array the whole way through, uses more accurate variable names and won't overflow the stack:
import java.util.*;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
class Main {
private static int recursiveCalls = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void runRecursiveTest() {
SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom();
String[] names = {
String target = names[rand.nextInt(names.length)];
System.out.println("Target string: " + target);
System.out.println("--- Begin Binary Search ---");
long begin = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println(bisect(names, target, 0, names.length - 1));
long end = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("Elapsed time: " + (end - begin));
System.out.println("Recursive calls: " + recursiveCalls);
System.out.println("--- End Binary Search ---");
private static int bisect(String[] arr, String target, int lo, int hi) {
if (lo > hi) { return -1; }
int mid = (hi - lo) / 2 + lo;
if (target.equals(arr[mid])) {
return mid;
else if (target.compareTo(arr[mid]) > 0) {
return bisect(arr, target, mid + 1, hi);
return bisect(arr, target, lo, mid - 1);
Target string: Sam
--- Begin Binary Search ---
Elapsed time: 81385
Recursive calls: 4
--- End Binary Search ---