I'm using a calendar layout in Excel, and the start of the week (monday) is given by the function WeekStart. However, English is not my native tongue and I want to change the names of the weeks and months. I have managed to achieve this by adding a language code snippet in the code before the other days of the week/months, but no combination seems to work with the function WeekStart.
I'm sorry for clumsy writing, I really don't know how to express this specific problem properly because I am not even entirely sure how this function works. I've added an image for illustration. This is the template that I'm using https://templates.office.com/en-US/Evergreen-calendar-tabs-white-TM00000047 .
Thanks in advance.
So, you could, if your weekstart function is in cell A1, then in cell B2 have:
With the days in A5:A11 as Monday to Sunday and in B5:B11 the days you want to change to.