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Extent Report Image is not displayed

I am using Extent Report for my selenium Test.

Capture screenshot:

public String captureScreen() throws IOException {
        TakesScreenshot screen = (TakesScreenshot) driver;
        File src = screen.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
        String dest = "./reports/" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".png";
        File target = new File(dest);
        FileUtils.copyFile(src, target);
        return target.getAbsolutePath();    

    public ExtentTest startTestCase(String testName) {
        test = extent.createTest(testName);
        return test;
public void endTestcase() {

    public void endResult() {

To attach screenshot I am using below code:

test.pass("Navigated to  Payment Step 1 Page",MediaEntityBuilder.createScreenCaptureFromPath(captureScreen()).build());

But the report looks good in local.. But I wanted to send the extent report in email.. The images are not displayed.

How to resolve this?


  • You will have to store and link images from a shared or http location in order for them to be viewable. Or, send a zip file with all images attached. Not sure how good the report will be viewed over email as there is a specific template for email.