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How to create symbolic polynomial using coefficient vector and symbolic variable vector?

I have a coefficient column vector looking something like

x = [1 2 3]'

that aligns with the polynomial p(z) = x_0 + x_1*z + x_2*z^2 + ... + x_n-1*z^(n-1). My question is, how would one create a symbolic vector using MATLAB, something like

p = [1 z z^2]

so that when I take the matrix product


and print it I get a 1x1 "matrix" of the expression 1 + 2z + 3z^2?

Furthermore, how can I generalize the creation of p to extend for arbitrary powers z^3, z^4, ...?



  • p = z.^(0:2);

    In general:

    p = z.^(0:n-1);

    where n equals number of elements.