My application call msiexec to run uninstall.
logger->LogDebug("Actions: MsiUninstallExec()!");
System::Diagnostics::Process ^p = gcnew System::Diagnostics::Process();
p->StartInfo->FileName = "msiexec";
p->StartInfo->Arguments = "/x " + AppSetting::ProductCode;
/// -->>> Uninstall
/// -->> Choose restart or not.
/// -->>> Application Exit
When uninstallation is done, users have to choose restart or not to complete this process. But my customer request : "The progress bar of msiexec must move to the last (right end)." How to edit it ? Do you have any idea for me?
Suggestion: You can try something like this (find product GUID):
msiexec.exe /X {PRODUCT-GUID} /QN REBOOT=ReallySuppress /L*V "C:\Temp\msilog.log"
Quick command line explanation:
/X {PRODUCT-GUID} = run uninstall sequence for specified product
/QN = run completely silently
/REBOOT=ReallySuppress = suppress reboot prompts
/L*V "C:\Temp\msilog.log" = verbose logging at specified path
Alternatives: There are many ways to invoke MSI uninstall: Uninstalling an MSI file from the command line without using msiexec. You can uninstall via: msiexec
, PowerShell
, deployment Systems such as SCCM
, VBScript
/ COM Automation, DTF
, or via hidden Windows cache folders
, and a few other options.
msiexec.exe: There are two flavors of the msiexec.exe
command line. An original one and a later one that added the "full word" switches such as /quiet
and /noreboot
and the likes. The original command line used /qn
as the switch for silent mode. Here are links to both flavors: MSIEXEC what is the difference between qn and quiet.
Some Links: