I have .NET MVC app, that hosts an Angular App.
I need to configure my build yaml with Appveyor to build the .NET solution and also cd into the Angular folder and execute npm install and npm build.
My Appveyor file looks like
# Project configuration
version: $(versionNumber)-{branch}.{build}
# Location of the cloned repo on the build server
clone_folder: c:\projects\something
# Environment Variables
nodejs_version: "8"
versionNumber: "1.9.0"
devpackageVersion: "$(versionNumber)-alpha.$(APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER)"
relpackageVersion: "$(versionNumber).$(APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER)"
# Install scripts. (runs after repo cloning)
# Get the latest stable version of Node.js
- ps: Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version
# branches to build
- develop
- /releases.*/
- /features.*/
- /bugfixes.*/
- /hotfixes.*/
# Nuget Restore
# Retrieve packages from account feed
account_feed: true
# Retrieve packages from project feed
project_feed: true
image: Visual Studio 2017
# Build configuration
platform: Any CPU
configuration: Release
# Step to execute before build
# Restore NPM packages
- ps: cd angular
- ps: npm install
- ps: cd ..
# Restore Nuget packages
- cmd: nuget restore something.sln -Verbosity quiet
# Step to build the solution
parallel: true
# Visual Studio solution to build
project: something.sln
verbosity: minimal
# Conditional configuration depending on branch
- develop
- /features.*/
- /bugfixes.*/
# Powershell to pack files for Octopus
- ps: octo pack --id=something.something --version="$env:devpackageVersion" --basePath="$env:buildFolder"\something\ --outFolder="$env:buildFolder"\packages\
# Step to create the artifact in AppVeyor
# Path to the packages created above
- path: 'packages\*.nupkg'
# Step to orchestrate Octopus Deploy
- provider: Octopus
push_packages: true
create_release: true
project: something
create_release_advanced: --releaseNumber=$(devpackageVersion)
deploy_release: true
environment: QA
server: https://something
api_key: something
deploy_wait: false
push_packages_advanced: --ignoreSslErrors
# Conditional configuration depending on branch
- /releases.*/
- /hotfixes.*/
# Powershell to pack files for Octopus
- ps: octo pack --id=something.something --version="$env:relpackageVersion" --basePath="$env:buildFolder"\something\ --outFolder="$env:buildFolder"\packages\
# Step to create the artifact in AppVeyor
# Path to the packages created above
- path: 'packages\*.nupkg'
# Step to orchestrate Octopus Deploy
- provider: Octopus
push_packages: true
create_release: true
project: something
create_release_advanced: --releaseNumber=$(relpackageVersion)
deploy_release: true
environment: QA
server: https://something
api_key: something
deploy_wait: false
push_packages_advanced: --ignoreSslErrors
However this seems to get to the npm install stage and then return 404's or
+ npm install
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (npm WARN tar EN...2\package.json':String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
I cannot for the life of me work out what is happening.
How can I execute an npm install and npm build, whist also building my .NET solution
If your package.json
file is not at the root of your repository then try changing your - ps: npm install
script to - ps: npm install ./src/folder1
(where src/folder1
is the folder containing your package.json
file relative to the root of your repo).
If your package.json
is at the root of your repository then try moving your - ps: npm install
script from the before_build:
section to the install:
section so that your yml looks like this:
- ps: Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version
- npm install #or - npm install ./src/folder1
I had the same issue as you (an appveyor build for a .NET solution hosting an Angular app which required node packages to be installed) and the above worked for me.
See here for appveyor documentation on NodeJS.