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shutdown tomcat 8 and start tomcat 9

I am new to java. I had tomcat 8 running on the linode server at following location


tomcat8, tomcat8-admin, tomcat8-docs, tomcat8-examples are present at this location. When I browsed localhost:8080, I got "It works" html page with links for tomcat8-docs, tomcat8-examples, and tomcat8-admin. But I was not able to browse any of the given links(404 error was coming).

After that I installed tomcat9 at following location


it contains a folder named 'webapps' which in turn contains folders docs,examples, host-manager, manager and ROOT.

I want to shut tomcat8 down and use tomcat9 instead. Is there any way for this.


  • I believe you can just run sudo service tomcat8 stop and sudo service tomcat9 start