I'm trying to write an if statement for a collection but I've encountered with a problem. Just for instance, the following element has li
tag that indicates whether the element is active:
<dl class="p-property-item">
<dt class="p-item-title" data-spm-anchor-id="42e07cb3WzvrLA">Color:</dt>
<dd class="p-item-main">
<ul id="j-sku-list-3" class="sku-attr-list util-clearfix" data-sku-prop-id="14" data-sku-show-type="none" data-isselect="true" data-spm-anchor-id="2114.10010108.1000016/B.i3.42e07cb3WzvrLA">
<li class="active">
<a data-role="sku" data-sku-id="29" id="sku-2-29" href="javascript:void(0)" data-spm-anchor-id="2114.10010108">
<span data-spm-anchor-id="42e07cb3WzvrLA">White</span>
<div data-role="msg-error" class="msg-error sku-msg-error" style="display: none;">
Please select a Color
I get all elements from a page and put it into collection:
@FindBy(how = How.CSS, using = "#j-product-info-sku > dl:nth-child(2) > dd > ul > li > a > span")
private ElementsCollection colorList;
public ElementsCollection getColor() { return colorList; }
But I have no idea how to get elements from the collection which have "active" li
. I mean, how to get all active elements, is there any option to recognise them?
Note: All elements are visible so it's not relevant to filter by visible option.
I also used the java method that is mentioned here: Filtering an ElementsCollection
public static Condition hasChildWithCondition(final By locator, final Condition condition) {
return new Condition("hasChildWithCondition") {
public boolean apply(WebElement element) {
return element.findElements(locator).stream().
filter(child -> condition.apply(child)).count() > 0;
public String toString() {
return this.name;
Condition hasChild = hasChildWithCondition(By.cssSelector("li"), Condition.text("active"));
if ((page.getColor().size() != 0) && (page.getColor().filterBy(hasChild))){
//to do
but in my case I get an error: Operator && cannot be applied to 'boolean','com.codeborne.selenide.ElementsCollection'
The solution is found: in order to put only active elements into the collection, I decided to ignore li
elements with the class "disabled"
ElementsCollection colorList = $$("#j-product-info-sku > .p-property-item > .p-item-main > ul > li:not(.disabled) > a");
As of now, the collection contains only active elements