I am executing Knime in batch mode (win10 PowerShell) but I am having the following error:
ERROR main BatchExecutor Unknown option '-workflow'
ERROR KNIME-ConfigurationArea-Checker ConfigurationAreaChecker Can't check integrity of configuration area ("C
:\Users\username\Downloads\knime_3.6.0\configuration"): The process cannot access the file because another process has
locked a portion of the file
The command I used is:
PS C:\Users\username\Downloads\knime_3.6.0> . .\knime.exe -consoleLog -noexit -nosplash -reset -application org.knime.p
roduct.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION -workflowFile="C:\Users\username\Desktop\knime_research\cmd_test2.knwf" -workflow.variab
Source I went through: https://forum.knime.com/t/workflow-cannot-be-saved-anymore/1173/7
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
I just got an answer from the Knime community. There is something wrong with "." (dot) in workflow.variable
Here is the link to the forum.
Thanks for helping out.